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Contract disputes: what a sound legal strategy must entail

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2017 | Contract Disputes |

We addressed in a previous blog post the “clearly something went wrong” aspects of a contractual relationship between New York City and telecommunications provider Verizon regarding the latter’s laying of high-optic cable across the city.

Like most contracts, the parties — both of them being sophisticated and arms-length negotiators — certainly identified potential risks as they moved toward an understanding and sought to sufficiently protect against them in the contract they executed.

And then … things blew up.

Why does that seem to happen recurrently in the business world?

We suggest at the proven Manhattan business law firm of R3M Law Moser, LLP, that after-execution contractual difficulties often owe centrally to a lack of thoroughness engaged in during the discussions and drafting of key language leading up to a final and definitive agreement.

And that, in turn, can easily lead to contention down the road.

As we note on a page of our website focusing on contractual misunderstandings and disputes, “Contract interpretation is a critical skill, as misinterpretations are often at the heart of these disputes.”

Acknowledging that, our deeply tenured legal team represents diverse business entities with an exacting eye on strategy that we note is “customized on the facts at hand.”

Our lawyers — each of whom commands broad-based and integrated business acumen (with the firm collectively bringing more than a century of experience to bear on behalf of our valued clients) work hard at the contracting stage to ensure that all potential issues are spotlighted, addressed and dealt with through careful drafting.

If things sour between business entities and contract breach claims come to the fore, we view our mandate as encompassing best-faith efforts to find a timely solution to what went wrong.

Perhaps a valuable relationship can be salvaged, with a remedy found. Perhaps a dispute can be resolved short of courtroom litigation (e.g., through continuing negotiation or via a mediated outcome).

And, when formal litigation emerges as the best response for a party alleging contractual breach or defending against such a claim, our attorneys bring decades of on-point experience to the task of seeking an optimal result in court or through a settlement.

Business breakdowns are an occasional reality in the corporate world. Experienced legal advocacy can often minimize the potential downsides and promote best-case outcomes for clients.
