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Americans and entrepreneurialism: a deeply ingrained phenomenon

On Behalf of | May 10, 2019 | Business Formation & Planning |

An annual business-focused survey conducted by the UPS Store reveals data that soundly confirms Americans’ enduring entrepreneurial focus and drive. Moreover, the report underscores a strong undercurrent of optimism across the country that bodes well for continued business startups and commercial activity.

There is this data bit, for example: Reportedly, about two-thirds of Americans not currently involved in business activities want to follow through on creative ideas and start their own companies.

Notably connected with that information is this takeaway: Legions of those individuals are not from the younger entrepreneurial mold that is often associated with start-up activity. Indeed, many of them are older persons who envision creating new businesses even as they near traditional retirement or are already at that stage of life.

One American business expert points to the salutary nature of that trend. He stresses that older people “have the potential to be very competent entrepreneurs,” give that they bring “more financial wealth, experience and personal networks to their start-up efforts.”

One especially telling point emerging from the survey findings underscores broad public support for new business entrants. Reportedly, a flat majority of residents in most communities readily welcome a steady addition of new commercial entities in in their areas and are resolute about supporting them. That finding commands obvious relevance for New York City business start-ups that seek to gain inroads across the metro’s vast boroughs.

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