Business school examples of companies’ merger-acquisition outcomes that were marked by strong success often stress methodical preparation and comprehensive application across a universe of relevant considerations.
They seldom emphasize speed.
It generally takes a proven business entity many years of time and effort to gain commercial traction and emerge as a successful enterprise. The American business realm is a tough and unforgiving environment that far more often rewards prudent actors taking measured and reflective steps than it does those motivated by haste.
We acknowledge that reality on our website at the established commercial law firm of R3M Law, LLP, in Manhattan. We stress that business entrepreneurs contemplating a merger or acquisition need to have both a plan and an end goal solidly in mind before moving forward materially on a potential transaction.
The initial M&A-linked question that must be asked and answered is this: What do we seek to accomplish here? Are we focusing on a more empowered company diversification? Do troublesome business rivals mandate that we link up with another entity for greater synergy?
When a comfort level is established regarding that threshold inquiry, a company can purposefully move forward with the key task of due diligence.
Proven business lawyers with a demonstrated history of working successfully with diverse commercial clients can provide invaluable input during this process. Their informed advice can help clients in matters ranging from review of a target company’s key contracts, assets and salary/benefits data to counsel on tax issues, outstanding litigation, regulatory concerns and more.
We note on our site that proceeding smartly while protecting a company in any potentially sizable transaction “can be an arduous process.”
Making the required effort to do so, though, can best ensure an optimal outcome, whether that is ultimately marked by a new corporate form or the reasoned decision to pursue alternative opportunities.