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Forecast: retail challenges, opportunities will abound in 2018

On Behalf of | Jan 5, 2018 | Business Formation & Planning |

We would like to acknowledge and thank our readers and diverse business clients in New York and across the country in this first blog post of the New Year. We wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2018.

We know that a portion of our readership comprises principals – ranging from entrepreneurs to established business owners – in the vast and sprawling retail world.

We turn to that universe today, noting that it has unquestionably been marked by some material dislocations over the past year.

Things are changing in the retail realm, a point that a recent CNN article on the industry underscores in a discussion of future retail challenges and opportunities.

That piece notes that shares in Amazon have skyrocketed this year, up 55% from 2016.

The meaning of that is obvious, say some commentators who point to a fading presence for traditional “brick-and-mortar” establishments in malls and shopping centers across the country. Many companies are transferring the bulk – or all – of their operations online.

Not all, though, counter inside business analysts who stress a continuing strength and viability for the traditional look and feel of the American retail industry.

“The whole image of the demise of traditional retailing is overblown,” says the CEO of one prominent trade group.

A balanced view of the retail sector might emphasize that, while things certainly are in flux, the industry is hardly redefining itself in any absolute way.

The jump of some entities to online avenues is “a normal evolution,” notes CNN.

The bottom line for both online businesses and store owners is that the future promises both challenges and opportunities.

That is an enduring reality in the retail sphere. R3M attorneys collectively command many decades of on-point legal experience helping clients both face challenges and exploit opportunities for growth and profit.

We welcome readers’ contacts to discuss business-related questions and concerns.
