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Why you need an attorney during a partnership dispute

On Behalf of | May 14, 2017 | blog |

Disputes between business partners can signify a rift in the business. In some cases, disputes can ruin your goals and potentially end your business. As a business partner, how can you protect yourself?

All partners should sign a written partnership agreement. This will protect everyone in the event of a dispute by defining the roles, responsibilities and expectations of all partners in the business. Business owners have the right to protect against lawsuits – including suits involving internal disputes that can not only harm your relationship with your other partners, but ultimately harm the success of your company.

Addressing issues before a dispute occurs

A partnership agreement should include an exit strategy. Why? To protect yourself from further damage if a dispute cannot be resolved or a partner passes away. Did you address the buy-out terms if one partner leaves or dies? We recommend addressing these issues in the agreement. The business lawyers at R3M Law Moser, LLP, work with businesses throughout New York that seek to prevent disputes and protect their goals. Visit our website to learn more about our representation in partnership disputes in New York.

Proper planning is an invaluable tool to prevent disputes and to help you achieve your goals. However, disputes arise and require immediate attention to prevent any further damage to the company. Our attorneys will review your legal options and help you find the best resolution in your case. We will work hard to help you achieve your goals by negotiating a fair settlement or advocating for your interests at trial.

We are proactive in our representation in partnership disputes because the timing of the action often plays a more significant role than that action itself. We will work quickly to protect your goals and resolve your dispute in a manner than benefits you.
