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Is your company considering Chapter 11? Get an attorney first.

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2016 | business & commercial bankruptcy |

Businesses and companies can run into a wide variety of problems during the course of their operation. The myriad possibilities means that the people in charge need to have the right people advising them so that they can deal with the issues at hand. One of the major problems any company will face is financial issues. Sometimes companies aren’t earning what they thought they would in a given quarter or fiscal year, and if the trend continues, the company may be on the road to bankruptcy.

But before a company files for bankruptcy, it is imperative to speak with experienced legal counsel.

R3M Law Moser, LLP is a respected and experienced law firm that has dealt with corporate bankruptcy and financial problems for businesses for many years. We operate in the New York City area, and are more than happy to help any business that has run into a serious financial situation.

We will work towards finding the right solution for you and your business. Sometimes Chapter 11 bankruptcy isn’t even necessary, but if it is, we know how to proceed in efficient, effective ways. If that means restructuring your business, then we can help. If it means targeting certain forms of debt and addressing the financial issues of the company in a swift and appropriate manner, then we can help with that too.
