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- 4 Tips For Preventing Business Partnership Disputes
- Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Viable Option For Businesses Stuck In The Red
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- Mergers And Acquisitions Tips: For Success In New York Business Transactions
- New York takes steps towards modernizing commercial transaction laws
- Properly Structured Noncompete Agreement Can Protect NY Businesses
- Recent NY Cases Demonstrate Issues Vague Contract Terms May Create
- Study Shows High Levels Of Corporate Responsibility Are Not Always Good
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Blog Posts
- 'American Idol' company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
- 'Iceland' trademark dispute causes some heads to turn
- “Glittering prize” ultimately lacks in luster: NYC Amazon deal nixed
- “Telepressure” subject of recently introduced NYC legislation
- 140-year-old funeral home files for Chapter 11
- 2 options the SBA offers to businesses in debt
- 2017 corporate planning projection continued: notable points
- 2017 corporate planning projection continued: notable points
- 2017 projection: material tax-related challenges, opportunities
- 3 reasons to use a partnership agreement
- 3 things to know about closing your business
- 3 topics to cover in a letter of intent
- 4 common sources of partnership disputes
- 5 things to do when you close your business
- A good attorney is crucial to the success of your business
- A key element in many Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings: timing
- Achieving business success through the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process
- Achieving business success through the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process
- Acquisition by closely held company: Are there benefits to that?
- Adjustable-rate vs. fixed loan in a rising-rate business environment
- Adjustable-rate vs. fixed loan in a rising-rate business environment
- American Apparel's bondholders agree to bail out compnay
- Americans and entrepreneurialism: a deeply ingrained phenomenon
- An attorney can help you navigate the business bankruptcy process
- An often logical query: Is Chapter 11 right for your business?
- Another mall fixture files for Chapter 11, cites new opportunities
- Another sporting goods company files for bankruptcy
- Appeal lost by Vivendi after $49.8 million ruling in lawsuit
- Appeal lost by Vivendi after $49.8 million ruling in lawsuit
- Are M&A considerations proper, timely for your company?
- Avaya on the brink of Chapter 11 bankruptcy
- Avoiding accidental partnerships
- Avoiding common mistakes in business negotiations
- Bankruptcy is only the beginning of a nuanced approach
- Bankruptcy, auction spares Gawker Media Group's online assets
- Business bankruptcy doesn't have to mean closing the doors
- Business battles: Avoid these three common disputes
- Business debt and your business: How to protect your company
- Business financing options in New York are many and variable
- Business high-tech growth: How is New York City looking?
- Business restructuring not always about addressing financial woes
- Business vagaries spell opportunity as well as challenge
- Businesses: work with experienced attorney to defend rights under non-compete agreements
- Can Amazon bestow even a little more love on New York City?
- Can family businesses survive a business dispute?
- Can I avoid partnership disputes?
- Can partnership disputes be prevented?
- Challenge yet opportunity in national mall, retail space shakeup
- Chapter 11 assessment merits close look at other options as well
- Chapter 11 bankruptcy filed for by 'American Idol' owner
- Chapter 11 bankruptcy provides for varied business outcomes
- Chapter 11 for Takata: laying groundwork for longer-term success?
- Chapter 11 might not spell the end for iconic toy retailer
- Chapter 11 success story underscored in Seadrill tale
- Coal mining company may see Chapter 11 in its future
- Commercial bankruptcies skyrocketed in 2016
- Commercial real estate nationally: a tale of two markets
- Common business mistakes to avoid
- Common legal issues to review to protect your business
- Common questions when forming a business
- Company files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy as part of plan to restructure and recover
- Compelling reasons why NYC is unparalleled venue for new businesses
- Conferring with proven legal counsel re business challenges
- Conferring with proven legal counsel re business challenges
- Congressional focus on regulating online sales taxes
- Consider these factors before filing for bankruptcy
- Considerations for Implementing a Business Plan
- Considerations for Implementing a Business Plan
- Contract breach legal strategy: customized, tailored in every case
- Contract dispute between NBCUniversal, Charter drags on
- Contract disputes a common catalyst in much business litigation
- Contract disputes: what a sound legal strategy must entail
- Court to company: Do more than just say it's a trade secret
- Creating a partnership agreement
- Creative solutions can help financially distressed companies
- Creditors sue RadioShack and affiliated parties over Chapter 11 filing
- Crowdsourcing Internet company Quirky files for Chapter 11 protection
- Damages and breach of contract claims: How are awards calculated?
- Debt relief options for small business owners who are struggling with debt
- Debt restructuring provides respite from financial troubles
- Devising smart solutions for businesses facing financial challenges
- Dissolving a business during divorce? Here's what you should know
- Does link between youth and success in tech sector hold water?
- Driving entity formation: pro-LLC proposal in the spotlight
- Due diligence: Identifying challenges, exploiting opportunities
- Early signs your business might have money problems
- Entity formation considerations: LLC or corporation?
- Federal judge vacancies impacting expedience of business cases
- Focus on asset-based lending and its business utility
- Focus on NYC commercial lease renewals in City Council bill
- Focus on NYC's minority-and-women business participation efforts
- Forecast: retail challenges, opportunities will abound in 2018
- Full speed ahead: positive report for commercial realty market
- General counsel critical for newer companies
- Golfsmith bankruptcy brings in numerous bidders
- Good time to be a commercial tenant in Downtown NYC?
- How can a lawyer help with your commercial lease?
- How does Chapter 11 bankruptcy work?
- How does New York's regulatory environment affect corporate transactions?
- How is an acquisition different from a merger?
- How should you go about purchasing a business?
- How to create an enforceable business contract
- How to protect your business against lawsuits
- Howard Magaliff Speaking at 32nd Annual Bankruptcy & Restructuring Conference
- Howard Magaliff Speaking at 32nd Annual Bankruptcy & Restructuring Conference
- Implications for new tax/jobs legislation continue to unfold
- Implications for new tax/jobs legislation continue to unfold
- Important considerations when purchasing commercial real estate
- Instructive battle brewing between tech rivals re NDA agreements
- Is a co-ownership right for your future business?
- Is a debt consolidation loan right for your struggling business?
- Is arbitration always best for resolving business disputes?
- Is business bankruptcy right for you?
- Is it time to add to your team?
- Is litigation always the best option to resolve disputes?
- Is New York’s bureaucracy doing enough for small businesses?
- Is this take on NYC business cogent criticism or just sour grapes?
- Is your company considering Chapter 11? Get an attorney first.
- Is your company considering Chapter 11? Get an attorney first.
- Key contractual element upheld by U.S. Supreme Court
- Key contractual element upheld by U.S. Supreme Court
- Large fabric company files for Chapter 11, seeks buyer
- Last year's snowstorm forces newspaper company into bankruptcy
- Learning lessons from business challenges, failures
- Lease or buy equipment? Often a key business decision
- Looming before the Supreme Court: sales-tax issue
- M&A considerations entail a lot of preparatory thought, effort
- Macy's report: Is projected death of brick-mortar stores premature?
- Many companies still waiting for clarification re pass-through tax
- Material developments occur in NYC's frenetic ride-share industry
- New business-centric law is going to have some growing pains
- New strategy takes aim at business bankruptcy administration costs
- New tax laws will help businesses, but details not wholly clear yet
- New York City a magnet for tech-linked business expansion
- New York City Opera works to get reorganization plan approved
- New York crane company faces lawsuits, files for bankruptcy
- New York manufacturing data is robust, with activity surging
- New York officials laud results of lending to small businesses
- New York-based entertainment company files for Chapter 11
- Non-competes: federal government cracking down on contracts
- Noncompete agreement spotlighted in disputed employment matter
- Noncompete agreements: sometimes of paramount importance
- Noncompete clause focal point in case settled in NY federal court
- Nondisclosure agreements: key business contracts, to be sure
- Noted NYC business conference offers entrepreneurial insights
- NY supermarket chain sees Chapter 11 as tool for growth
- NYAG's challenges non-competes agreements: 2 lessons for businesses
- NYC a progressively stronger magnet for tech enterprises
- NYC backs up its unique-city assertions in pitch to Amazon
- NYC business improvements target minority, women-owned firms
- NYC officials are targeting a specific business audience
- NYC officials promoting small businesses, entrepreneurial efforts
- NYC selected as new Amazon co-headquarters site
- NYC small business environment: a few observations
- NYC would-be law on paid time off both lauded, challenged
- NYC’s immigrant story: vital cog of commercial vibrancy
- Offering business owners a second chance at success
- Oil producer may have to file Chapter 11
- On financial restructuring and legal help
- Once again, effort to merge doesn't happen for wireless carriers
- Online lending growing in popularity among small businesses
- Paper mill files for Chapter 11 protection, hopes for better future
- Perfume retailer hopes Chapter 11 spawns new business prosperity
- Preserving the integrity and function of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process
- Profiling a contract gone wrong: Verizon, NYC spat
- Prominent small business group weighs in on state of the economy
- Protect your business: Learn about common legal issues
- Proven commercial lawyers a key source of business mentoring
- Proven company head questions short-term business focus
- Purchasing company assets: many ways to pursue the goal
- R3M Law Consults With Alan M. Dershowitz in Suit Against Vienna International Airport
- Regulators in New York, other states focus on anti-poaching pacts
- Rent-related tax relief arrives for some Manhattan businesses
- Report: New York City is optimal environment for small businesses
- Report: Upsides clear for future of America's small businesses
- Retailer views Chapter 11 protection as possible lifeline
- Risk management encompasses handling a company crisis
- Royalties under attack in Apple v. Qualcomm lawsuit
- Securitization of accounts receivable: What is that?
- Securitization of receivables: a viable strategy for some businesses
- Selling an enterprise: Yes, there is a lot to think about
- Selling assets in Chapter 11 bankruptcy
- Should our company file for bankruptcy protection?
- Should small business owners have a New Year’s Resolution?
- Small Business Saturday has special meaning for NYC
- So-called “Commercial Rent Control” bill getting lots of attention
- Some central considerations linked with closely-held businesses
- Some considerations re 2018 merger/acquisition climate
- Some considerations re 2018 merger/acquisition climate
- Some considerations re shareholder, partnership matters
- Some considerations relevant to partnership success
- Some instructive data concerning New York’s small businesses
- Some key considerations regarding partnership disputes
- Some topics to consider before starting a business
- Sometimes an imperative: outsourcing legal work to proven attorneys
- Spectrum may face NYC franchise revocation if found to have breached contractual obligations
- Sports Authority could benefit from Chapter 11 protection
- Spotify, major music companies at contract impasse
- Spotlight on broad-based utility of employment contracts
- Spotlight on largely unregulated cash-advance lending industry
- Spotlight on M&A planning, successful strategies
- Spotlighting noncompete agreements: some key factors
- Starting a business requires careful planning
- Starting a business? Make sure you complete these important steps.
- Steady procession of Chapter 11 retailers continues
- Steps to take during business dissolution
- Steps to take when buying a business
- Struggling historical retailer opts for business bankruptcy
- Student debt could pose challenges when trying to finance a start-up
- Terminated contract hits Tempur Sealy stock hard
- The benefits of the closely held business
- The central importance of nondisclosure agreements, Part 2
- The growing list of clothing retailers filing for Chapter 11
- The importance and utility of non-competition agreements
- The importance of operating agreements - and why every business needs one
- The importance of operating agreements - and why every business needs one
- The legal side of leasing equipment
- The many varieties of contract disputes
- The need for attorneys when businesses acquire assets
- The real goal of Chapter 11: Profitability
- The remedies to a breach of contract
- The risks to business owners of personally guaranteeing a business' financing
- The risks to business owners of personally guaranteeing a business' financing, part II
- The three chapters of business bankruptcy
- The wedding’s still on: Chapter 11 retailer tells brides not to worry
- Three things entrepreneurs should know
- Three things entrepreneurs should know
- Three tips to help businesses emerge from bankruptcy
- Tips for writing a strong contract to avoid future disputes
- Toys R Us CEO: Chapter 11 filing will strengthen company
- Turning that entrepreneurial dream into reality in NYC
- Understanding Chapter 11 as a small business owner
- Unforeseen legal problems could put your new business at risk
- Violations of noncompete agreements are serious
- Well-known Northeast grocer files or Chapter 11
- What are some essentials driving small business success?
- What are the possible remedies for a breach of contract?
- What are your options if your partner breaches your agreement?
- What causes a business to struggle financially?
- What challenges many NYC Millennial entrepreneurs the most?
- What does a noncompete agreement require to be held enforceable?
- What factors materially contribute to merger/acquisition success?
- What factors materially contribute to merger/acquisition success?
- What happens after a company files for Chapter 11?
- What is a closely held corporation?
- What is the difference between business types?
- What older individuals need to know about starting a business
- What precedes a partnership largely affects its success or failure
- What should start-up principals be most focused upon?
- What should you prepare for when buying a business?
- What to consider when starting a business: Follow these tips
- What to do if the other partner isn’t pulling their weight
- What to know about breach of contract
- What to know about breach of contract cases
- What to know about LLCs: Limited Liability Company
- What you need to know about asset-based lending
- What's in store during 2018 for mid-sized business enterprises?
- When a Chapter 11 filing is appropriate, it can truly breed success
- When conflict arises, consult with an attorney as soon as possible
- When creditors take control: 3 lessons from the Gibson guitar case
- When does a proposed merger become a monopoly concern?
- Which bankruptcy option can best overcome onerous business debt?
- Why you need an attorney during a partnership dispute
- Why you should work with an attorney when starting your own business
- Wire mesh company plans to sell, hopes for brighter future
- Women’s apparel label seeks Chapter 11 protection
- Your business structure matters greatly